Select your current world region and subregion.
Poisonous animals
Cnidarians (Jellyfish, Corals and Anemones)
Venomous fish
Hymenopterans (Bees, Wasps and Ants)
Sea snakes
Terrestrial snakes
Miscellaneous animals
North America
Mexico and Central America
South America and the West Indies
North Africa, Near and Middle East
Central and Southern Africa
The Far East
Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia
Australia and the Pacific Islands
Occurrences in | |
NW | the Northwest |
N | the North |
NE | the Northeast |
W | the West |
C | central areas |
E | the East |
SW | the Southwest |
S | the South |
SE | the Southeast |
X | most areas |
? | unclear |
Micrurus ancoralis | W | |
Micrurus camilae | X | |
Micrurus clarki | W | |
Micrurus dissoleucus | N | |
Micrurus dumerilii | N+W | |
Micrurus filiformis | C+S | |
Micrurus hemprichii | E? | |
Micrurus isozonus | C+E | |
Micrurus langsdorffi | S | |
Micrurus lemniscatus | X | |
Micrurus medemi | C | |
Micrurus mipartitus | N+W | |
Micrurus multifasciatus | X | |
Micrurus multiscutatus | SW | |
Micrurus narducci | S | |
Micrurus nattereri | E | |
Micrurus nigrocinctus | NW | |
Micrurus obscurus | E+S | |
Micrurus oligoannellatus | SW | |
Micrurus ornatissimus | S | Amazonas |
Micrurus ortonii | X | Amazonas |
Micrurus putumayensis | SE | |
Micrurus remotus | E | |
Micrurus renjifoi | E | |
Micrurus sangilensis | N | |
Micrurus scutiventris | SE | |
Micrurus spixii | S | |
Micrurus spurrelli | W | |
Micrurus surinamensis | X | Amazonas |
Micrurus tikuna | X | Amazonas |
Bothriechis khwargi | N+C | Western foothills of the Cordillera Oriental |
Bothriechis klebbai | N+C | Western foothills of the Cordillera Oriental |
Bothriechis rahimi | SW | |
Bothriechis rasikusumorum | SW | Huila department |
Bothriechis schlegelii | W+C | |
Bothriechis torvus | N |
Bothrocophias colombianus | W | |
Bothrocophias hyoprora | S | |
Bothrocophias myersi | W | |
Bothrocophias myrringae | W+C | Central mountains and eastern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental |
Bothrocophias tulitoi | W+C | Central mountains and eastern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental |
Bothrops asper | N+W | |
Bothrops atrox | X | |
Bothrops ayerbei | W | Cauca & Narino |
Bothrops brazili | S+SE | |
Bothrops punctatus | W | |
Bothrops rhombeatus | W | Valle del Cauca |